- requires WildFly 27 and JDK 17 (#10985 and #10986), will not work on WildFly 26/Tomcat 9 and below!
- further adaptions for running on WildFly (#11849)
- logging is configured in WildFly only, log4j is no longer used
command now also works on WildFlyRELOADLOGCONFIG
command has been removed
- relative paths in
will be placed in the WildFly data directory (e.g.C:\WildFly\standalone\data\TileServerData
) - the cache for web requests will be placed in the WildFly temp directory (e.g.
- logging is configured in WildFly only, log4j is no longer used
- updated libraries
- log URL used for reading versions on WMS servers
- updated libraries
- faster invalidations/TileUpdater for large polygons/linestring geometries (#10091)
- performance enhancements for prerenderings and invalidations/TileUpdater
- fixes for usage of extents in maps with RefSysInfo
- support for setting a global coordinate system for sub extents like this: (#9549)
- just note that the coordinates might get transformed to lat/lon and back before being applied to non-lat/lon maps, so the resulting coordinates might be a bit different than the configured ones
- prevent using a RefSysInfo file with a la/lon coordinate system resulting in wrongly transformed tiles
- the default number of renderer threads is 4
- for TileServer renderers the default number of threads is determined dynamically (from 8 to 16)
- updated libraries
- support setting DPI for WMS maps from MapServer (#9173)
- rework of coordinate system handling for prerending and invalidate/TileUpdater (#9312/#9357)
- fix for not showing a running invalidate/TileUpdater (#9277)
- fix for high CPU load and long running invalidations and prerenderings of maps in lat/lon coordinate system
- fix for GETSTATUS not showing the full error/warning message
- invalidation using an URL (TileUpdater) now supports geometries using a different coordinate system than the map (e.g. a local one for Bing maps, #9076)
- new parameter SRID to supply a coordinate system for the given extents or geometries in the URL for the following commands: INVALIDATE/RENDERIMAGE/PRERENDER
- a warning is logged and shown in GETSTATUS/GETSTATUSXML if no password is set for the TileServer
- to change, set a password like that:
- updated logging to log4j2 2.17.1
- updated logging to log4j2 2.17.0
- fix for command SHOWLOG to work with new log4j
- small fixes to transformation of extents
- updated logging to log4j2 2.16.0 (skipping all vulnerable versions between the old and the new version,
the old version was not vulnerable using the configuration provided by MuM)
- NOTE: log4j2 was and is never used if the TileServer is deployed on a WildFly application server
- new logging configuration name (TileServer.log4j.xml)
- if a custom logging configuration (TileServer.log4j.properties) is used, it needs to be recreated in log4j2 XML format
- fixes for OpenStreetMap
- fixes for CORS handling
- more detailed logging if rendering an image from an URL fails
- requires Java 11
- updated libraries
- fixes for using BingTileSystem with MapGuide
- the default coordinate system for using MapGuide with BingTileSystem is 3857 - the MapGuide MapDefinition should match that
- example definition of a MapGuide map without a RefSysInfo file/in BingTileSystem:
- total rework of coordinate system handling to allow using BingTileSystem with MapGuide and WMS servers
- all tile systems allow setting an coordinate system like that Renderer.1.Maps.1.SRS=EPSG:31467
- extents can be defined in any coordinate system like that (X is longitude and Y is latitude):
- updated libraries
- WMS servers with an URL parameter containing an '?' they are rejected as that breaks the WMS logic
- WMS maps with a MapRequestOptions parameter containing an '?' they are rejected as that breaks the WMS logic
- fix for running on WildFly
- updated libraries
- fix for log4j setup if no TileServer.log4j.properties file is found
- enhanced support for WildFly
- updated libraries
- small fixes for OpenStreetMap
- fixes for password and URL handling
- better support for WildFly
- the TileServer.properties file can also be put into standard configuration folder (i.e. WildFly\standalone\configuration)
- supports only TileServer.log4j.properties not log4j.properties for logging configuration anymore
- faster loading of OpenStreetMap tiles
- NOTE: prerendering of OpenStreetMap tiles and derived maps (transformed/combined) is no more possible to limit the impact on the official servers
- limiting of render threads on this renderer is increased to a maximum of 4 requests per url
- fixed URLs for OpenStreetMap.fr renderers
- support for MapGuide 4.0 map servers
- updated libraries
- fix for TransformTileRenderer/CombinedMapsRenderer/TileServerTileRenderer complaining about rendering multiple tiles
- fix for applying global defaults (TileServer.Defaults.*) resulting in wrong number of zoomlevels
- errors while getting tiles for transforming them or while printing are forwarded to the caller
- additional checks for given map name on requests
- additional local variants of OpenStreetMap (default is openstreetmap.org)
- NOTE: be sure to adhere to the usage policies of the server providing the map tiles to prevent blacklisting your TileServer! This means limiting render threads on this renderer to a maximum of 2 and limiting zoomlevels according to the source.
- example config for openstreetmap.de (German):
- example config for openstreetmap.fr (French):
- updated libraries
- the tile refresh period for TileServer renderers is 1 day by default
- updated libraries
- fix for RefSysInfo/URL cache handling
- requires at least a Tomcat 9.0 and JRE/JDK 8, supports JDK 11, using an OpenJDK 11/OpenJ9 from https://adoptopenjdk.net/ is recommended
- removed support for Silverlight clients
- some improvements for loading OpenStreetMap/OpenTopoMap tiles
- to defer a refresh of tiles from a slow source/to return current tile, but try to refresh in
background afterwards instead of waiting for a new tile set this option:
- this option is set for OpenStreetMap/OpenTopoMap maps by default
- updated libraries
- support for Java 11
- updated libraries
- more detailed error message for checking WMS Version
- fix for java.io.FileNotFoundException when sending non-existing empty tiles
- fix for error on clean up task
- support for Java 9/10
- tiles from OpenStreetMap use a secure URL (https)
- fix for IllegalArgumentException on memory freeing
- new compatible server: Tomcat 9.0
- new dynamic memory management and better handling of out of memory errors, the option
has been removed - new option TileServer.MaxMemoryUsage to limit overall memory usage of TileServer, default is no limit, i.e. for 10 MB:
TileServer.MaxMemoryUsage=10 MB
- only empty tiles in the current extents of a map are loaded
- syncing empty tiles from another TileServer uses less memory
- if loading a tile from an URL tile renderer fails, the received text is written to the log file on DEBUG level
- loading tiles/images/files from URLs will now timeout
- new command WATCHDOG for easy integration with monitor systems
- will return OK, STARTUP, SHUTDOWN or UNKNOWN depending on current servlet state
- command CLEARMEMCACHE has been removed as memory handling is done completely internally
- better cleanup of old/unused tiles and folders
- upgraded library for transformation of tiles
- improvements for caching of web requests
- fixes to prevent TransformTileRenderer errors if base map is missing a requested zoomlevel
- more details are shown on errors
- updated libraries
- tiles from OpenTopoMap use a secure URL (https) and support a wider zoom level range (1-17)
- support for map servers using a certificate from Let's encrypt (for Java versions older than 8u101)
- all renderers can now be configured to use a proxy for requests
- to prevent a renderer from using a proxy to load the RefSysInfo file set this option:
- updated libraries
- updated libraries
- WMS 1.3.0 requests check for the correct coordinate order using the official EPSG coordinate system definition
- fix for using correct coordinate order for WMS 1.3.0 services and coordinate systems other than EPSG:4326
- fix for errors on getting the version from WMS and MapGuide servers, which require a password or proxy settings
- combined maps now respect their own extents if set
- fix for using transformed maps resulting in "Latitude is out of range"
- fix for transformed maps with no defined zoom levels
- fix for canceling waiting requests if rendering results in an error
- fix for running on WildFly
- new option for configuring transparency of WMS maps, default is true example config: Renderer.1.Maps.1.Transparent=true
- the maximum number of tiles in the memory cache is calculated dynamically depending on memory available to the TileServer,
to activate remove the entry
in the TileServer.properties file - transformation of tiles now works without a MapEdit URL, the option MapEdit.URL has been removed
- MapRequestOptions of the map are used when checking the version of a WMS server
- use
directory for configuration instead ofWildFly\bin\conf
on WildFly server - new version of JTS and some other libraries
- removed support for very old chained TileServers (older than 2.5.2)
- requires at least a JRE/JDK 8
- compatible servers: Tomcat 8.0 and WildFly 9.0
- MapGuide 3.0 support, is detected automatically on first request to it
- WMS 1.3.0 support, is detected automatically on first request to it
- fix for null pointer exception if no data is sent to the client
- redirects from HTTP to HTTPS are supported for all URLs (RefSysInfo files etc.)
- rework of sub extents handling: the tile system no longer limits the area of the sub extents, tiles can be rendered in areas not contained in the tile system
- fix for race condition resulting in high server load while TileServer was actually idle
- fix for circumventing the YCrCb bug resulting in distorted colors on loading of JPEGs
- faster clearing of the cache
- old tile folders are cleaned up after 14 days of runtime without config changes
- fixes for invalidation reducing the number of jobs to be rendered
- fixes for display of current state of render jobs on GETSTATUS page
- fix for removing failed renderings from the active render queue
- an error will be logged, if a RefSysInfo is missing in a CustomBing tile system map (and it will not be loaded)
- WRITECONFIG will transform all line breaks in the TileServer properties according to the current operating system
- GETEXTENDEDCONFIG contains the last load time of the configuration
- changed zoomlevel calculation, affects GETKML and GETIMAGE/printing for tile layers (OpenStreetMap etc.)
- rework of invalidation, especially for lines with a large number of points
- WMS GetMap requests include a
parameter (though it is only required for GetCapabilities)
- fix for errors regarding missing caches of dependent maps (i.e. not available in the current zoomlevel)
- fix for missing tiles in zoomlevels higher than defined in the RefSysInfo (usually 20)
- invalidate is more robust on invalid geometries and faster for geometries like lines and polygons
- improvements for limiting the number of tasks executed in parallel (invalidate, prerender etc.)
- fixes for chained TileServers, which are protected by passwords
- the GETCONFIG command is deprecated and will be removed in a later version, use GETEXTENDEDCONFIG instead
- new generic URL tile renderer for reading tiles from an external URL (including predefined configurations for OpenStreetMap and OpenTopoMap)
- NOTE: be sure to adhere to the usage policies of the server providing the map tiles to prevent blacklisting your TileServer! This means limiting render threads on this renderer to a maximum of 2 and limiting zoomlevels according to the source.
- there can be placeholders in the URL:
- zoom level (1-28){X}
- tile number in X-direction{X}
- tile number in Y-direction{Format}
- image format (png etc.), could also be hardcoded in the URL
- example config for a generic URL:
- example config for OpenStreetMap:
- the old OpenStreetMap config (Renderer.1.Type=OpenStreetMap) is deprecated, new maps should use the format above
- example config for OpenTopoMap:
- fix for invalidation of invalid (self-crossing) geometries and for SETDISPLAYHEIGHT/WIDTH=0 on MapGuide
- the default log4j configuration is loaded correctly if there is no other configuration
- included templates for clientaccesspolicy.xml/crossdomain.xml files
- reworked sample TileServer.properties
- fix for "java.io.IOException: closed" at rendering
- faster prerendering for chained TileServers if there is only one TileServer chained
- fixed some problems regarding missing/empty tiles
- requires at least a Tomcat 7.0 and JRE/JDK 7
- invalidate resets the flag for canceling prerendering (fixes non-rendering invalidate requests)
- fix for an invalidation issue, which led to re-rendering of only one zoomlevel
- GETEXTENDEDCONFIG returns the startup time rather than the time the config file was changed as last modified header (fixes caching of configurations, which failed to load correctly)
- invalidate command allows URLs with spaces and special characters
- fix for combined maps using base maps with different valid zoomlevels
- faster removing of entries from cache, affects rendering and invalidating
- a large number of invalidation/prerender requests should no more deadlock or block the TileServer
- combined maps can use any other map, even if those are defined after the combined map in the TileServer.properties
- renderers with no valid maps are discarded and not started
- prerendering combined maps does not put underlying tiles into memory cache anymore
- reworked cache resizing and reduced locking
- queueing requests for prerendering/invalidate is faster, GETSTATUS also returns faster on high load
- the log4j configuration is now stored in conf/TileServer.log4j.properties to allow relating the name of the configuration to the TileServer (but log4j.properties is accepted also)
- faster reading of large images
- fix for reading very large images
- fix for errors on INVALIDATE using a url resulting in MapGuide-Error 559
- fix for errors regarding invalid image files
- the RENDERIMAGE command needs no password anymore if a password for the TileServer has been configured
- additional checks for valid map configurations
- support for Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) requests of JavaScript clients
- fix for invalidate on chained TileServers to render correct number of tiles
- chained TileServer versions are checked
- smaller fixes and speedups
- invalidate requests run in the background, so the request returns immediately avoiding a timeout
- the option *.BufferNumberOfTiles now also works for Bing tile systems without a RefSysInfo file
- new option *.TileRefreshPeriod for maps to refresh tiles periodically example:
(refreshes tiles of the map after one day)
format: value[unit]
value is made of digits, whitespace between value and unit is allowed. possible units:
d - days
h - hours
m - minutes
s - seconds
ms - milliseconds (can be omitted, as it is the default)
- faster rendering of combined maps
- transformed tiles are refreshed when the tiles of the underlying base map are changed, and not on a fixed interval
- small optimizations
- extents for map are now also accepted if min/max are in the wrong order
- optimizations for transform tile renderer
- transformed tiles are refreshed after 4 weeks if the renderer of the underlying base map is active
- fix for HTTP and proxy authentification
- new option *.UseTileSystemExtentsAsSubExtents for maps to use extents of tilesystem/RefSysInfo file only as sub extents, without limiting all extents to it. as a result sub areas outside the geographical region of the map can be defined in addition to the area defined by a RefSysInfo file (e.g. for electro internals). the default value is false. example:
- speed ups and consolidation of prerender and invalidate if using sub extents note: if possible try to avoid overlapping sub extents, they are slower than non-overlapping ones on prerendering/invalidating
- removed default attributed for center point and zoomlevel of maps as they are not used and make no sense for sub extents
- Renderer.NumberOfThreads are no longer enforced to be at least 2, though it is highly recommended
- invalidate without URL no works correctly for chained TileServers (fixes #508)
- fixes for INVALIDATE using an URL
- GETSTATUS and GETSTATUSXML show now the number of parts rendered in a given render job (XML attribute RenderJob.RenderedParts)
- enhancements for GETEXTENDEDCONFIG:
- new attributes for Renderers: Username, Password, ProxyUsername, ProxyPassword
- new attributes for TileServerMapDefinitions: BaseMapType, BaseMapTileServer to allow retrieving base renderer configuration
- small optimizations reducing locks and used memory
- the GETSTATUS page shows the last error/warning message as a tooltip over the timestamp of the error/warning without having to open the log file
- the GETSTATUSXML command has new attribute LastErrorMessage and LastWarningMessage to show this message
- faster shutdown of TileServer
- automatic refresh for tiles if the renderer is not set to inactive and supports it
- the refresh happens per tile and uses last modified/ETag caching to prevent reloading tiles, which have not changed
- currently the following renderers support automatic tile refresh:
- OpenStreetMap tiles are refreshed after four weeks
- chained TileServer tiles are refreshed after four weeks
- combined maps tiles are refreshed if the base tiles should be refreshed
- faster rendering for chained TileServers
- extension to command GETTILE
- new parameter TILESERVER to signal a request from a chained TileServer and create a reply in extended format
- render jobs, which only exist in the active render queue are not tracked as already finished anymore
- new log4j version 1.2.17
- faster rendering for OpenStreetMap tiles and reduced memory consumption
- prevent lockups of CombinedMapsRenderer
- performance optimizations
should be at least 2, a warning is issued if it is set to 1 and the number of threads is forced to be 2- in addition lockups by a too low number of render threads in certain conditions are prevented now
- small fixes and cleanups
- GETRENDERIMAGE now works correct for images built from tiles (e.g. on printing of OpenStreetMap tiles)
- it is possible to override the coordinate system per map even if a RefSysInfo file is defined
- transformation of tiles works even without MapEdit if RefSysInfo file is given
- enhancements for GETEXTENDEDCONFIG: MapEdit URL
- better error handling for unsupported/missing coordinates in invalidate file
- empty tiles in JPEG format are now all white
- new option MapEdit.URL to attach a MapEdit instance for additional functionality like tile transformation
- new renderer for transforming tiles between different coordinate systems, needs MapEdit.URL for transformation
- example config:
# base map is the map to be transformed
# the target coordinate system is defined by this given RefSysInfo file
- various small bug fixes and performance improvements
- enhancements for chained TileServers
- after a PRERENDER/FORCE the main TileServer checks the rendering TileServers and then cleans up its own cache if all render jobs are finished
- please upgrade all TileServers in the chain starting from the TileServers on the bottom (which are using no other TileServer's maps)!
- empty tiles are now stored and transferred in optimized delta format, existing files are migrated to this format on the first start
- extension to command PRERENDER and INVALIDATE
- new parameter RENDERJOBID to set a fixed id for querying the render job later on
- new command GETJOBSTATE with parameter RENDERJOBID to get current state of job
- file urls are not cached anymore by the web request cache
- extension to command PRERENDER
- new parameter CLEARLIVE to clear live rendered zoomlevels on prerender, it will be automatically set to true if no zoomlevels are given on a PRERENDER/FORCE
- better support for memory-only caches, just comment out CacheManager.BasePath to use only memory caching
- support for format "JPEG" on MapGuide, which expects "JPG"
- fix for using formats different than "PNG"
- cascading prerendering is now the default, for non-cascading prerendering use
as parameter - enhancements for combined maps
- extensions to command CLEAREMPTYTILES
- new parameter CASCADE (true/false) to forward clearing of empty tiles to chained TileServers
- Changed OSMTileRenderer default URLs
- new option *.Styles for WMS maps, example:
- fix for block striping
- fix for cascaded prerendering to prerender the block size used for striping
- fixes and extensions for chained TileServers
- adapting OSMTileRenderer to fit http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tile_usage_policy
- entries in the web request cache expire after 14 days without accesses
- if the TileServer is idle, it will execute background tasks:
- the empty tiles in the cache are resynced to external TileServers every 3 hours
- the web request cache is cleaned up every day
- extensions to command PRERENDER
- new parameters BLOCKSTRIPENUMBER (1-BLOCKSTRIPECOUNT) and BLOCKSTRIPECOUNT (1-n) to prerender a striped set of blocks
- can be used together with multiple TileServers to prerender one map on different servers in stripes
- new parameter CASCADE (true/false) to forward prerenderings to chained TileServers instead of rendering them on the current server
- new parameters BLOCKSTRIPENUMBER (1-BLOCKSTRIPECOUNT) and BLOCKSTRIPECOUNT (1-n) to prerender a striped set of blocks
- extensions to command INVALIDATE
- new parameters BLOCKSTRIPENUMBER (1-BLOCKSTRIPECOUNT) and BLOCKSTRIPECOUNT (1-n) to invalidate a striped set of blocks
- fix for cascading invalidations
- extensions to command CLEARCACHE
- new parameter CASCADE (true/false) to clear cache of chained TileServers in addition to the local server
- fix for loading tile system extents and more stable loading of maps with errors
- faster prerender queuing if forcing is not used
- small fixes for TileServerTileRenderers
- INVALIDATE command is now cascading over TileServerTileRenderers to ensure consistency between TileServers
- better load balancing between multiple TileServers, just make sure to always use the current version for all TileServers
- new command GETEXTENDEDCONFIG to get a config similar to GETCONFIG, but containing more details about the maps and renderers
- faster tiling and checking for empty images
- faster shutdown
- some more requests handle the last modified timestamp to enable better caching on the client side
- internal cache for web requests between TileServers and for loading RefSysInfo files
- new command CLEARWEBREQUESTCACHE to clear this web request cache
- clean up old empty tiles
- nicer logging of requests aborted by the client
- logging whether prerendering is forced or not
- small bug fixes for handling invalid zoomlevel ranges
- TileServer renderers can have multiple urls to split maps/empty tiles among multiple TileServers
- empty tiles files are saved with zero length for no empty entries instead of removing them, this allows caching them on other TileServers
- new trove library 3.0.3
- proxy authentication uses "Basic" keyword
- fix for crash on very large invalidation files
- better error messages for some responses
- fix for showing a restarted job as finished - finished flag is reset on restart
- prerendering is done using threadpool to limit load on system
- small fix for forwarding refsysinfo file
- GETTILE sets the content length header in the response, which enables the client to reuse the connection instead of opening a new one
- the data for GETCONFIG requests is cached in memory
- the modification date of empty tiles files and refsys info files is used by chained tileservers to reduce the transmitted data
- disk cache can also be disabled for specific zoomlevels
- this can be done for the renderer defaults, a specific renderer or a specific map (like ValidZoomlevels)
- example for a specific map: Renderer.1.Maps.1.NoDiskCacheZoomlevels=20-23
- new parameter for all commands to choose the formatting of the output of the called command:
- response=html/xml/machine
- html: HTML format (default, like the UI in older versions)
- xml: XML format (machine parsable)
- machine: text format (machine parsable, key=value)
- response=html/xml/machine
- disk cache can now be disabled for only some maps by this configuration: Renderer.1.Maps.1.NoDiskCache=true
- disk cache for all maps can be disabled by setting CacheManager.BasePath to an empty value or not setting it at all
- listing of the last 10 render jobs in GETSTATUS and GETSTATUSXML
- contains requests to prerender and invalidate
- shows start time of the request, last render time, waiting parts in the job and if the job is finished or not
- new command CLEARWARNINGS to reset the warnings and errors shown on GETSTATUS/GETSTATUSXML
- support for basic HTTP authentication for WMS,OSM and MapGuide
- configuration:
- count for active invalidation is now still correct, if an error occurs during the process
- invalidation of multiple layers runs in parallel
- RECT geometries in a request to INVALIDATE using an url are now processed correctly
- INVALIDATE command now forces a prerendering of changed tiles, if prerendering for the given map is enabled and the zoomlevel should be prerendered
- new parameter for INVALIDATE command:
- URL=http://... - for invalidating using an geometry file on the given url (format is documented internally on MapEdit trac)
- GETSTATUSXML contains now all dates as number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970
- LastRenderQueueWasEmpty has been renamed to LastTimeRenderQueueWasEmpty
- fix for invalidate not invalidating polygons and lines correctly
- CombinedMapsRenderer supports RENDERIMAGE if the underlying base maps support it
- it also respects the DPI to be used for the rendered image
- printing is now possible for all types of renderers
- even if a renderer is set to inactive (Renderer.1.IsActive=false), the existing tiles still can be printed
- the tiles are combined and scaled for the requested print image
- this allows using RENDERIMAGE/printing for OpenStreetMap tiles
- limit OpenStreetMap zoomlevels to 1-18
- additional checks for extents of maps
- new parameters for INVALIDATE command:
- POINT=xx;yy - for invalidating a point at position (xx;yy)
- LINE=x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3 - for invalidating a line string consisting of the points (x1;y1) (x2;y2) (x3;y3)
- new trove library 3.0.2
- small fixes and speed ups for rendering combined maps
- check for duplicate map names and warn if found
- new renderer for combination of existing maps - makes it possible to overlay multiple maps and cache the result
- example config:
# all maps are rendered from left to right, so the first is on the bottom and the last on the top of the combined tile
- TileServerTileRenderer is now able to prerender
- Fix for duplicate attribute in GETSTATUSXML
- faster loading of empty tiles files
- faster prerendering and invalidating (using less memory)
- GETSTATUS/GETSTATUSXML now show the last time the render queue of a renderer was empty (i.e. finished prerendering)
- better formatting of timestamps
- subextents: they define multiple regions of rects containing valid tiles
- just define them in the configuration like normal (but numbered) extents:
- the following commands allow now limiting their action to a given region: PRERENDER, INVALIDATE
- specify the region in the url using the following parameters:
- XMIN - minimum coordinate of rectangle in X direction
- XYIN - minimum coordinate of rectangle in Y direction
- XMAX - maximum coordinate of rectangle in X direction
- YMAX - maximum coordinate of rectangle in Y direction
- specify the region in the url using the following parameters:
- timestamps for the last warning are now limited to only track warnings, not like error which catches all messages above ERROR level
- reworked handling of zoomlevels
- timestamp for last warning is shown in GETSTATUS/GETSTATUSXML
- CLEAREMPTYTILES allows additional parameters to target only a specific map/zoomlevel:
- MAP - map to be used (optional)
- ZOOMLEVEL - zoomlevel of the map (optional)
- ZOOMLEVELFROM - start zoomlevel of the map (optional)
- ZOOMLEVELTO - end zoomlevel of the map (optional)
- loading of caches is faster now due larger chaching and more reduced locking time, this should speed up initial loading time of the TileServer
- new release of Trove library integrated
- the number of simultaneous RENDERIMAGE requests (plotting) is limited now, like for tile rendering
- available memory is now shown in GETSTATUS/GETSTATUSXML responses
- logging has been improved
- out of memory errors are now logged and then rethrown, so they should show up in the TileServer log
- if configured memory is below 1024 MB a warning is logged to make user aware of possible out of memory problems
- on startup the current version of the TileServer is logged
- new OpenStreetMap tile renderer
- example config:
- load balancing between urls for URLTileRenderers (MapGuide,WMS,TileServer,OSM) is now possible
- just specify multiple urls in the configuration for one renderer, all requests are distributed between this urls
- the distribution is currently a round-robbin with a random starting point
- CLEARCACHE now works again for the full cache, without a MAP parameter
- new command SYNCTODISK - synchronizes the memory cache with the disk cache, i.e. after external changes to the disk cache
- parameters:
- MAP - map to be used (optional)
- ZOOMLEVEL - zoomlevel of the map (optional)
- ZOOMLEVELFROM - start zoomlevel of the map (optional)
- ZOOMLEVELTO - end zoomlevel of the map (optional)
- parameters:
- further improvements for directory handling and some smaller fixes
- tiling rendered images now blocks rendering new ones if all threads in the threadpool are tiling already this should prevent memory exhaustion on very fast renderers, rendering faster than tiling
- further memory optimizations and speedups
- new release of Trove library integrated
- fixed memory issues from 2.1.3
- faster reloading of config (it does not wait anymore for caches to be loaded)
- tiling of rendered images is done in background using a threadpool (load on tileserver and mapguide is more constant over time)
- new parameter DPI for command RENDERIMAGE to allow rendering MapGuide using custom DPI (all other renderers just ignore this)
- correct content type "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml" for kml responses instead of generic "text/xml"
- warnings are logged and shown in GETSTATUS if no configuration file was found and the default config is being used
- new command RENDERIMAGE for rendering an image for the given map (needs password if a password is configured)
- parameters:
- map to be used for renderingFORMAT
- image format (default format of the map is used if missing)XMIN
- minimum coordinate of rectangle to render in X directionYMIN
- minimum coordinate of rectangle to render in Y directionXMAX
- maximum coordinate of rectangle to render in X directionYMAX
- maximum coordinate of rectangle to render in Y directionSCALE
- zoom scale (can be decimal, i.e. 1000.123)SIZEX
- image width in pixelsSIZEY
- image height in pixels
- with this command a TileServerTileRenderer is also able to forward/chain the image rendering to another TileServer
- parameters:
- new command GETKML - retrieves all maps as KML overlays for display in Google Earth
- to use it just add a new network link to google earth, link: http://localhost:8080/TileServer/TileServlet?getkml
- configurable size of buffer around rendered tiles, default is 0.5 (half a tile)
- new configuration option:
- new configuration option:
- shorter locking of caches during search for old entries to be removed
- enhanced support for proxies between two chained tileservers and on connections to URL renderers (MapGuide+WMS)
- new command GETTILESKML - retrieves tiles as KML overlays for display in Google Earth
- new config property:
to prevent loading empty tiles using TileServerRenderer - GETCONFIG requests in TileServerRenderer are now cached during startup
- dropping old entries from cache and cache loading run now in parallel threads
- removed dependencies on apache commons primitives
- multiple layers can be used in WMS map definitions
- allow chaining of GETREFSYSINFO requests through multiple TileServers
- cache disabling is only used for Silverlight clients
- logging of requested URLs for TileServerTileRenderer in TRACE mode
- new command READEMPTYTILES - allows retrieving of
remotely - using this new command empty tiles are synced while starting up a TileServer with a TileServerRenderer and defined maps
- new command GETREFSYSINFO - retrieves the RefSysInfo.xml file for the given map
loading allows gzip compression during transfer- new flag in config to show if renderer is able to do prerendering
- first implementation of TileServerRenderer, which allows to use another TileServer as source for this TileServer
- Fix for logging dying rendering threads
- nicer locking for adding rendered tiles to cache
- reduced memory usage for render queues
- version handling detects newer versions on disk and warns if TileServer version is older
- reduced locking while storing rendered tiles to cache
- small fixes for prerendering
- cleanup better to reduce work of garbage collector
- complete new cache handling with less memory overhead and less locking while accessing different maps/zoomlevels at the same time
- migrate empty tiles from text file to splitted binary files to support new cache handling
- one image format per Map can be defined, default is png
- syntax in config:
- syntax in config:
- error messages like "invalid map" now also log the request url
- if TRACE level for log4j logging is enabled, the request url is logged
- versioning in TileServer.version file with automatic upgrade
- reduced memory usage
- always send content type to prevent showing html as plain text
- Use Trove HashSet, as it requires less memory than standard JDK HashSet and is faster
- Clear cache and list data on shutdown to reduce memory while reloading
- Block servlet requests until servlet is fully loaded
- commands are listed automatically below web ui pages (including new commands)
- prerendered tiles are not stored in memory cache
- reduced log levels for non important status messages
- new command CLEARMEMCACHE - clears the memory cache only, without deleting any files or empty entries
- Fix for prerendering only valid zoomlevels
- faster check for empty bitmaps
- faster statistics
- new parameter FINISHEXISTING for command CANCELPRERENDER - set it to true to just stop queuing new jobs, but finish exisiting
- the number of active prerenderers is shown on GETSTATUS/-XML
- different number of tiles can be used for rendering and prerendering
- new configuration option:
- defines how many tiles should be rendered/prerendered
- log4j config is only loaded on startup and reload config
- but new command RELOADLOGCONFIG enables refresh
- speedups due reduced locking
- nicer menu for calling commands from webinterface
- new command SHOWLOG - shows the log4j logfile, if it is configured and exists
- formats can be specified in the TileServer.properties, default format is PNG
- new configuration option:
- new configuration option:
- write config is more secure and writes the config file just when it has read all received file data
- a bug leaving stream handles open on rendering is fixed (fixes java.net.SocketException: Too many open files)